Chemical properties and fertility. The assimilation of nutrients from the soil is influenced by pH, as certain nutrients can be blocked under certain conditions of pH and are not comparable to plants. Around pH 6-7. 5 are the best conditions for plant growth. Potential oxidation- reduction The redo conditions of the soil are of great importance to processes of los angeles tummy tucks weathering and soil formation of various biological processes, are also related to the availability of certain nutrients. The chemical formulation of the oxidation-reduction reactions is: RUSTY+ ELECTRON STATE REDUCED On the floor there is a balance between the oxidizing and reducing agents.
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The organic material is reduced and tends to oxidize, is reducing as to the need to reduce to oxidize other soil materials. Conversely, oxygen is oxidant. Moreover, there are many chemicals that work with varying valences and can be oxidized or reduced depending on the environment that prevails. Redo processes that can different valences and among them are: Fe, Mn, S, N. Examples of oxidation processes in the soil are: Oxidation: Fe+ primary minerals forming Fe +3 oxides and hydroxides; transforming Mn+ 4; S= oxidation, for example pyrite sulfate; IE nitrification NH4 transformation into nitrite and nitrate.Rather, many processes occur under reducing conditions such as compounds forming Fe +2 and Mn +2. In normal soil is aerated environment and therefore the overall trend is oxidant. In hydromorphous soil water saturation tends to cause a reducing atmosphere. The values of pH and redo potential Eh measurements delimit the areas of stability of soil materials. The compounds of Fe and Mn are very sensitive to changes in pH and Eh.
Chemical Properties. Those that depend on the innermost part of the soil as their chemical composition. The most important from the viewpoint of soil genesis are mineral alteration and formation of new species as well as on the destruction of the fresh organic matter and the formation of humid substances.
Furthermore, compounds must be considered to belong to the soil solid phase, can easily pass to the los angeles tummy tucks liquid phase to be extremely soluble, so that they have an extraordinary mobility. Mostly related to the contents of several important substances as macro nutrients N, P, Ca, K, Mg, S and micro nutrients Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn, B, Mo, Cl for plants, or provide the los angeles tummy tucks ground certain characteristics organic carbon, calcium carbonate, Fe in different states.
It is what we consider the soluble salts in the soil, including those whose solubility is higher than the plaster and the consequence is salinity. The natural soil salinization is a phenomenon associated with arid climatic conditions and the presence of salts rich in original materials, such as some marl. However, there is a salinity acquired by prolonged irrigation with water of high salt content in soils of low permeability and low dry sub humid or drier climates.
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